About Us

MPS Educational Trust is a non-profit organization that focuses on promoting education and literacy in economically disadvantaged communities. The organization was founded with the aim of providing access to quality education to underprivileged children, who would otherwise be denied the opportunity to receive an education due to financial constraints. MPS Educational Trust is committed to promoting education and literacy in economically disadvantaged communities. Our mission is to provide access to quality education to underprivileged children, regardless of their socio-economic background. We believe in treating every child equally and providing them with the same opportunities to succeed. We run several programs to achieve our goals, including free distribution of educational materials, scholarship program, teacher training program, and vocational training program. Our team is passionate about our mission and works tirelessly to ensure that we achieve our goals.

Our Mission

The mission of MPS Educational Trust is to provide access to quality education to underprivileged children, regardless of their socio-economic background. We believe that education is a fundamental right and that every child should have the opportunity to receive an education that equips them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world where every child has access to quality education, regardless of their socio-economic background. We envision a world where every child has the opportunity to develop their full potential and contribute to the development of their communities and society as a whole.

Our Values

At MPS Educational Trust, we are committed to upholding the following values:

  1. Equality: We believe in treating every child equally and providing them with the same opportunities to succeed.
  2. Empathy: We believe in understanding the needs of underprivileged children and empathizing with their struggles.
  3. Integrity: We believe in upholding the highest standards of honesty and ethical behavior in all our activities.
  4. Collaboration: We believe in working collaboratively with all stakeholders to achieve our goals.
  5. Innovation: We believe in being innovative and constantly seeking new ways to improve our programs and services.

Our Programs:

MPS Educational Trust runs several programs to promote education and literacy in economically disadvantaged communities. These programs include:


Free distribution of educational materials

This program provides free textbooks, notebooks, pencils, and pens to underprivileged children.


Free distribution of educational materials

This program provides free textbooks, notebooks, pencils, and pens to underprivileged children.


Scholarship program

This program provides scholarships to underprivileged children to cover their school fees and other expenses.


Teacher training program

This program provides training to teachers from underprivileged communities to improve the quality of education in their schools.


Vocational training program

This program provides vocational training to underprivileged children to equip them with the skills they need to earn a livelihood.